© Martina Venturelli Studio
Torino Vocalensemble
Sara Balia, Elena Basso, Lilia Bodiu, Graziana D’Amico, Tiziana Giuggia, Angela Mazzeo, Sibylle Neuhaus sopranos
Genziana Gentilini, Anna Maria Minissale, Piera Prinetto, Valeria Sacco, Giorgia Testa, Alessandra Vaglienti contraltos
Giuseppe Attardi, Pietro Garavoglia, Roberto Vernassa tenors
Daniele Bouchard, Marco Grattarola, Cristiano Marchisella, Salvatore Mattia, Davide Sacco bass
Carlo Pavese conductor
Antonio Valentino piano
Live, Love, Dream!
Landscapes of the romantic soul
The choir: a harmony of voices that explore the infinite nuances of the romantic soul to illuminate life with pleasure and beauty.
Franz Joseph Haydn: Four songs for 4 voices- Die Harmonie in der Ehe - Die Warnung - Die Beredsamkeit - Alles hat seine Zeit
Franz Schubert: Der Tanz D. 826 - Schicksalslenker, blicke nieder D. 763
Richard Brahms: Sechs Quartette op. 112 - Sehnsucht - Nächtens - Himmel strahlt so helle - Rote Rosen -
Brennessel steht an Weges Rand - Liebe Schwalbe
Adolf Fredrik Lindblad: Drömmarne - Stilla på himlen - De till dalens hyddor smyga - Till den gamles bädd -
Ännu en dröm - Och andra drömmar gå - Vid sin lampa tänkar´n somnat - Lärkan i skyn - Med en barnbön på sin mund
Live, Love, Dream! is one of the concerts of Cherry Notes 2023 programming, created in collaboration with Unione Musicale, Torino. Artistic direction by Antonio Valentino.
Cherry Notes 2023 programming takes us to the roots of ancient musical traditions placing them in communication with our present.