Masterclasses & Workshops

Ohad Naharin


Jan 21, 2018

Masterclass Gaga is the movement language that was developed by Ohad Naharin throughout many years, parallel to his work as a choreographer and the artistic director of Batsheva Dance Company. The language of Gaga originated from the belief in the healing, dynamic, ever-changing power of movement.


Ohad Naharin has been hailed as one of the world’s preeminent contemporary choreographers. As Artistic Director of Batsheva Dance Company since 1990, he has guided the company with an adventurous artistic vision and reinvigorated its repertory with his captivating choreography.

Naharin is also the originator of an innovative movement language, Gaga, which has enriched his extraordinary movement invention, revolutionized the company’s training, and emerged as a growing force in the larger field of movement practices for both dancers and non-dancers.


11.00 – 12.00 GAGA
12.00 – 13.00 METHODICS

Limited places only available upon advance booking.

For infos and registration please contact:
+39 0141 916532 — +39 328 3581023